Efficient, Easy, Earth-Saving Energy Practices and Ideas

My name is Natalie, and in this blog, I am going to write about a lot of different energy practices. I plan to write about solar panels, indoor air filtration, wind farms and whatever else strikes my fancy when I'm writing. I want to focus on easy and efficient energy practices, and I hope to explain how those practices can benefit the earth. My interest in energy and the environment started when I was just a teen. I attended a camp where we studied the environment whilst also doing a lot of foraging, hiking and other things that allowed us to engage with nature. From that week onward, I've wanted to change the world and its relationship with energy. I hope this blog is just the start.

3 Very Common Bush Regeneration Mistakes Made by Property Owners

Environmental Blog

Bush regeneration refers to the process of removing invasive weeds and vegetation in a plot of land and replacing them with native plants. This can be done for aesthetics; some invasive weeds are simply not very attractive and don't flower or bloom. It can also be done to better support the environment, as native species of plants might provide a healthier habitat for insects and local wildlife. Whatever your needs for bush regeneration in a plot of land, note a few common mistakes you want to avoid so you know the job is done right.


It's never good to simply rent a bobcat or tiller and clear the land completely when you're planning bush regeneration. This is because you could easily cause soil erosion and also disturb what healthy insects and wildlife are in the area; you might also damage tree roots so that nearby trees begin to wither. Typically the healthiest and most effective way of bush regeneration is to work slowly by removing certain patches of weeds and then planting native species with as little disturbance to the soil as possible. This will keep the land from becoming dry and parched and also allow native wildlife to remain undisturbed.


When planning new vegetation during bush regeneration, you want to ensure that you're choosing plants that will support the soil and keep it healthy and moist, that will support native wildlife, and that will thrive in your native area. Don't choose new plants and vegetation by their looks alone; you may want flowers and lots of color in a park or on a lot next to your home, but trying to force nonnative plants to thrive in the area can mean more work than you realize, and certain plants may strip the soil of moisture and nutrients. Choose native plants that will grow easily and which will keep the soil healthy by not becoming so dense and thick that they too cause as much damage as the weeds you're removing!


Why are you performing bush regeneration on a lot in the first place? If it's to create a type of park, you want to plan where you'll put walkways and benches and the like, and then work your bush regeneration around that, perhaps adding native plants to these areas first so they'll be noticed. If you want to plan bush regeneration simply for encouraging a healthy habitat for wildlife, you may need to start your work near a marshland or other such area and then work out from there. Be sure you plan your bush regeneration work according to what you're trying to accomplish so you're successful.


23 May 2016