My name is Natalie, and in this blog, I am going to write about a lot of different energy practices. I plan to write about solar panels, indoor air filtration, wind farms and whatever else strikes my fancy when I'm writing. I want to focus on easy and efficient energy practices, and I hope to explain how those practices can benefit the earth. My interest in energy and the environment started when I was just a teen. I attended a camp where we studied the environment whilst also doing a lot of foraging, hiking and other things that allowed us to engage with nature. From that week onward, I've wanted to change the world and its relationship with energy. I hope this blog is just the start.
The variety of applications that water has in households all over the nation is numerous. You use it for cooking, cleaning, drinking, taking baths and many more. However, do you know how clean the water that you are using is? If you had a bore drilled on your property to facilitate the constant supply of water, then it is best to have its purity checked from time to time. This is especially crucial if you live in close proximity to an industrial area, as you never know what chemicals may be seeping into your bore water. If you have any concerns about how pure your water is, it is prudent to invest in a filtration system for your specific needs. Here are a few tips that you could keep in mind to ensure that you find the most suitable system for your household.
Get in touch with your local water utility company
One of the first things that you should do is get into contact with your local water provision company. This is in order to request to see a copy of their annual report on the quality of the water in your area. The report can be quite enlightening, as it will inform you on the different contaminants that are present in the water that you use day to day. Having this information will be invaluable when it comes to locating the best system for your home.
Establish the best type of filtration system mechanism for your home
When it comes to bore water filtration, you will find the different systems that are in the market are installed in different ways. There are some that are simply attached to all the faucets in your home, and these will rid the water of contaminants as it runs through them. There are other filtration systems that are attached at the point of entry, which means the water gets filtered before it makes its way into the taps around your home. Determine what system would best suit your needs so you can establish what mechanism you would prefer.
Invest in a specific bore water filtration system
Once you know what filtration mechanism you would prefer, you should search for a system that is comprised of filters that will deal specifically with the contaminants that are particular to your water. Not many people will know how to select these, so carry a list of the contaminants with you so that the store attendant can help you in your selection. For example, carbon filters will get rid of chlorine, organic chemicals and even some heavy metals.
Share16 June 2016