Efficient, Easy, Earth-Saving Energy Practices and Ideas

My name is Natalie, and in this blog, I am going to write about a lot of different energy practices. I plan to write about solar panels, indoor air filtration, wind farms and whatever else strikes my fancy when I'm writing. I want to focus on easy and efficient energy practices, and I hope to explain how those practices can benefit the earth. My interest in energy and the environment started when I was just a teen. I attended a camp where we studied the environment whilst also doing a lot of foraging, hiking and other things that allowed us to engage with nature. From that week onward, I've wanted to change the world and its relationship with energy. I hope this blog is just the start.

Why Are Your Energy Bills So High? These 5 Energy-Hungry Appliances Could Be to Blame

Environmental Blog

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the average Australian household spends $99 on energy every week. For families on tight budgets, that's a lot of cash. If you can't understand why your energy bills are so high, take a look at these five common culprits. Are these five energy-hungry appliances pushing up your bills?

1. Heating and Cooling Systems

In most Australian homes, heating and cooling systems account for a higher proportion of household energy usage than any other appliance. During the winter, heating systems consume most of the electricity, while air conditioning is the worst offender during summer. Insulating your home could help you to save money on your energy bills at all times of year, as insulation helps to keep the hot or cold air generated by your heating or cooling system inside your home. Consider upgrading your windows to double or even triple-glazed, seal up any cracks around door and window frames and insulate your attic to help keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

2. Lighting

Around six percent of the typical Australian energy bill is spent on lighting. If you're still using incandescent bulbs, switching to compact fluorescent bulbs is an obvious way to save money, as these bulbs use much less energy and also have longer lifespans. Teaching your kids to turn off lights when they're not in use is another way to bring down bills.

3. Washer and Dryer

Every time you do laundry, you add to your energy bill. Reduce the cost by washing clothes on cool cycles and always waiting until you have a full load. Dryers are very energy-hungry appliances, so you can save money by hanging out your clothes to dry whenever you do laundry on a dry day.

4. Refrigerator

If your refrigerator is very old, it could be pushing up your energy bills. Older refrigerators are often much less efficient than newer ones. As most people run their refrigerators 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, upgrading to a newer model could make a big difference to your bill. Cleaning away the dust from behind your refrigerator can also help it to function more efficiently.

5. Dishwasher

Finally, if you run your dishwasher every day, you could be wasting a lot of energy. Wait until your dishwasher is completely full before you run it. If you only have a few dishes to clean, washing them by hand in the kitchen sink is much more efficient.

By paying attention to your household energy use, you can save money on your bills. Try investing in insulation or more efficient appliances to save even more.  


25 May 2016