Efficient, Easy, Earth-Saving Energy Practices and Ideas

My name is Natalie, and in this blog, I am going to write about a lot of different energy practices. I plan to write about solar panels, indoor air filtration, wind farms and whatever else strikes my fancy when I'm writing. I want to focus on easy and efficient energy practices, and I hope to explain how those practices can benefit the earth. My interest in energy and the environment started when I was just a teen. I attended a camp where we studied the environment whilst also doing a lot of foraging, hiking and other things that allowed us to engage with nature. From that week onward, I've wanted to change the world and its relationship with energy. I hope this blog is just the start.

Four Benefits of Installing a Whole House Air Cleaner

Environmental Blog

Every person deserves to breathe in clean air. Sadly, this is not always the case as the air may have particulates like dust, bacteria, and pollen. When the air inside your home becomes contaminated, the results will be allergic reactions, coughing, and sneezing within your household. How do you keep allergies at bay even during the allergy season?

Unlike the belief of many homeowners, your AC and heating filter system do little to improve indoor air quality. The filter for this unit is used to keep large particles out of the air handler to prevent damage. It cannot trap minute dust and pollen particles. By installing a whole house air cleaners and filtration systems, you will enjoy the following:

Whole house air cleaning

As the name suggests, this system will take care of air filtration and cleaning in your entire home. Most portable air cleaners handle only one or two rooms, so you would need to buy several units if you wanted to have your whole house taken care of. When attached to your HVAC system, a whole house air cleaner is a cost-effective option compared to buying multiple portable air cleaners.

Silent operation

As much as you'd want to have the air around you free of bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants, there is something annoying about a noisy system in the house, especially when you're trying to unwind after a long day. Well, noise is what you get with the standard portable air cleaner around. However, whole house air cleaners can operate with little or no noise at all.

Protection for your HVAC system

Particulates in the air can accumulate in your HVAC's air filter or furnace and reduce the system's efficiency. They can even cause breakdown of the unit if it is not maintained regularly. However, when a whole home air cleaner is installed, it traps the airborne particles before they reach your HVAC system. It ensures that it runs efficiently, and you don't have to endure costly repairs.

No eyesores

Whole house air cleaners are installed away from sight as part of the HVAC system in between the air-return duct, furnace, and the air conditioner. Unlike conventional air cleaners, these systems do not create eyesores around your home. Also, you do not have to move things around to get space for their installation.

Whole house air systems are cost-saving solutions in the long term. They improve the quality of air in your home and keep allergies at bay all year round. Contact an air quality service for more information.


23 June 2016